通 路 包 裝 設 計

Retail Packaging Design


The key difference between channel packaging design and retail packaging lies in facing tough competition on the shelves. Standing out and capturing attention become the biggest challenge. Retail packaging requires considering consumer preferences, marketing strategies, and differentiation, as well as passing market tests to survive.


Each packaging project goes through multiple rounds of proposals, selections, and market research, with the final choice made by the client for further development. Retail packaging comes in various forms like paper boxes, plastic bottles, tin cans, glass, shrink wrap, and aluminum foil bags. Each material has unique printing characteristics and requires specific techniques for perfect execution to enhance sales performance. This is the most crucial task for channel packaging designers.

*此頁所展示的包裝,皆為任職於深設計Deep Design時之設計作品,已於各通路上市販售

黑松茶花無糖綠茶 HeySong Green Tea
CL : 黑松股份有限公司 HeySong
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2018

燒番麥 原味 / 辣味起司 Shao-Fan-Mài
CL : 裕榮食品 Yu Zong Foods CO. LTD.
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2017

FIN 2018樂遊關島活動SP瓶 FIN FLY IN NATURE Special Edition
CL : 黑松股份有限公司 HeySong
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2018

橘平屋 × 環球 小小兵岩燒海苔禮盒 Minions Korean Roasted Seaweed
IML : 環球影業 Universal Studios
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2017

黑松蘋果蘇打 富士蘋果風味 HeySong Apple Soda
CL : 黑松股份有限公司 HeySong
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2019

花香5沐浴乳 FORSHINE Body Wash
CL : 脫普聚益 TOP
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2020

多樂士 森呼吸淳零無添加底漆 Dulux Paint Can
CL : 阿克苏诺贝尔 AkzoNobel Paints
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2019

彩織上品春節禮盒 Chinese New Year Gift Box
CL : 手信坊 Shu Shin Fang
D : Kuo, Yu Chun
YEAR : 2017


NumeracyLab - Brand IP Development & Social Media Design


Adventure Starts from MoNTUE - Editorial Design